Category: General

  • Types of hell -Narak ka swarup

    The hells are situated in the seven grounds at the lower part of the universe. The seven grounds are: Ratna prabha Sharkara prabha. Valuka prabha. Panka prabha. Dhuma prabha. Tamaha prabha. Mahatamaha prabha. The first ground, owing to a predominance of ratnas or jewels, is called Ratnaprabha. Similarly, the second, owing to a predominance of…

  • Description of Jain Flag

    The flag of Jainism was first mentioned in a holy text dating 5th century BC. It has five colours: White, Red, Orange, Green and Dark Blue (or Black). It is also believed that the complexion of all the 24 Tirthankaras was of one of these 5 colours. For instance, Chandraprabha and Pushpadanta were white, Munisuvrata…

  • Importance of leshya in jainism

    In the Jainism, there is a great deal of importance given to the leshya. A leshya refers to the state of mind. Our activities reflect the state of our mind. The following illustration shows how our activities vary with the state of our mind. Once there were six friends, who were going on a trip.…


    KRISHNAGIRI Jain dharma consists of 24 theerthankars.In these 24 theerthankars the 23rd theerthankar is considered to be Swami Parshwanath bhagwan. Hence the concept of Shakthipeet basically concentrates on the worship (Mathr upasana or aradhana) of Swami Parshwanath bhagwan. Jain dharma gives importance or prominence to athma sadhana or the inner search (knowing the once true…


    ‎15 SPECTACULAR TRICKS FOR YOUR BODY !!! (worth reading) 1) If you’ve got an itch in your throat, scratch your ear. When the nerves in the ear get stimulated, they create a reflex in the throat that causes a muscle spasm, which cures the itch. 2) Having trouble hearing someone at a party or on…

  • Liberation moment of Lord Mahavir

    At time of Liberation of Lord, Kings of 18 places were present & as attainment of Liberation of Lord marked dawn of Light of Knowledge from World, Dipak’s were lighted up to glow up the place. From that time lighting of Dipak was done on Liberation day of Lord & festival was initially named as…

  • भगवान महावीर निर्वाण दिवस की बधाई व हार्दिक शुभकामनाये

    भगवान महावीर निर्वाण दिवस की बधाई व हार्दिक शुभकामनाये** ——————————————————————— जैन धर्म में दीपावली के दिन अंतिम तीर्थंकर भगवान महावीर प्रातःकाल निर्वाण की प्राप्ति और उनके प्रमुख शिष्य गौतम गणधर को संध्या के समय परम बोधि कैवल्यज्ञान की प्राप्ति हुई। ज्ञान ज्योति का प्रतीक है जो स्वयं भी प्रकाशित होता है और दूसरों को भी…

  • सम्मेद शिखर जी की विशेषताएँ | Importance of Sammet Shikhar tour

    सम्मेद शिखर जी की विशेषताएँ – श्री सम्मेद शिखर पर्वत की वंदना २७ किलोमीटर एवं परिक्रमा ५४ किलोमीटर है ।  जो भव्य जीव होते है,वह तीर्थक्षेत्र की प्रत्यक्ष -परोक्ष वंदना करते ही है । एक कल्प काल के चतुर्थ काल में यहाँ से २४ तीर्थंकर और असंख्यात मुनिराज मोक्ष जाते है । यह तीर्थक्षेत्र अनंतानंत आचार्यों,पर्मेष्ठियों…

  • Jain temples on Palitana Hill, Shatrunjaya – 1860

    Jain temples on Palitana Hill, Shatrunjaya – 1860 Photograph of the Jain temples on Mount Shatrunjaya near Palitana in Gujarat, taken by an unknown photographer, from an album of 40 prints dating from the 1860s. Adherents of the Jain religion are most numerous in Western India and Rajasthan and Gujarat are particularly rich in Jain…


    SCIENTIFIC OBSERVATIONS IN THE ATIRATHRAM MAHAYAGNA (A MUST READ ARTICLE):- A 4,000 year old fire ritual conducted in a remote village in Kerala in April,2011 has a positive impact on the atmosphere, soil and other environment effects, according to scientists who are now ready with their findings. The “Athirathram” ritual held on April 4- 15,…